
March 10, 2013
We had a fantastic walk on the beach today. The pups were really good, hardly pissed anyone off 🙂 They must have enjoyed themselves, as I had to bathe them both when we got back, they were disgusting! And they even behaved perfectly in the Bath! [pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-LmIiJK7fOnE/UTu1VgfmTQI/AAAAAAAAZgA/D_GG7H_DDqE/s144-c/At%252520West%252520Beach%252520March%2525202013.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/116730948297768793432/JessJake#5853471521802439938″ caption=”At West Beach March 2013.jpg” type=”image” alt=”At West Beach March 2013.jpg” ]