Cleaning (Really Dirty) Car Wheels

October 3, 2015
I’m running through one of my cars tidying some bits and pieces up. I dropped the wheels off to clean the calipers and suspension, and didn’t realise just how bad they were. It doesn’t look like they’ve EVER been cleaned Covered in grime and dirt, really ground in and built up. This is a job for the pressure washer, methinks! So I hit one of the wheels with the water, which took off the top layer of dirt, but barely touched the ground-in stuff – the wheel was still black! Next, I mixed up a bucket of Hot Water with a big scoop of washing powder (Omo, if you really care) 10-15 minutes with a soft brush and the soapy water, and a quick rinse showed a MASSIVE improvement, I couldn’t believe it. A second scrub off, and left the soapy water on there for a half hour to soak in. Then I hit it with the pressure cleaner again, and WOW! They’re obviously not new wheels, but they certainly are clean old ones. I’ll seal with a paint sealer as a final step. [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20151003_104259.jpg” ] [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20151003_104310.jpg” ] [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20151003_104318.jpg” ]